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You can organize Qalyptus users into groups to facilitate the management of multiple users. Groups can be created manually or automatically when you import recipients using an Excel file.

Only tenant administrators or users with the Administrator role can create, edit, and delete users.

Create a group

  1. Log in to Qalyptus Cloud as an administrator
  2. Go to Administration > User Management > Groups
  3. Click Create group
  4. Enter the group name
  5. Add a description if you wish (optional)
  6. Select an organization
  7. Click Save

A group is linked to an organization. You can only add users from this organization to the group.

Add users to a group

To add users to a group, do the following:

  1. Choose a group and click the Action button to display the actions menu
  2. Click Edit Members
  3. Click Add users
  4. Search for users to add in the Add users window
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Save again in the Edit group members window

Remove users from a group

To remove users to a group, do the following:

  1. Choose a group and click the Action button to display the actions menu
  2. Click Edit Members
  3. Delete the users from the Group members table
  4. Click Save