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Add recipients of published reports

In this section, you will be able to add the users or group of users that will be the recipients of the reports published with a task.

The users you will add can receive the email sent during the execution of the task and/or have access to the reports in the Qalyptus Hub.

To add recipients, follow these steps:

  1. On the Tasks page, click on the name of a task to edit it.
  2. Go to the tab Recipients.
  3. Click Add Users.
  4. A window opens.
  5. Select one or more users.
  6. Select the Send e-mail checkbox to allow the user to receive the distribution email.
  7. Select the Can see in Hub checkbox to allow the user to view reports in the Qalyptus Hub.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Click Save.

To add a group of users, follow the same steps by clicking on the Add Groups button.