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Create conditions

You can add one or more conditions to execute a task in Qalyptus Server. The task is only executed if all the conditions are satisfied.


The task is only executed if all the conditions assigned to the task (All reports) are satisfied. After execution, Qalyptus will evaluate the conditions applied to each report, if the conditions are not satisfied, report generation is skipped.

To create a Condition, do the flowing:

  1. On Qalyptus Server, go to the Conditions Page
  2. Click Create Condition
  3. Enter a Name
  4. Add a description if you want
  5. Choose a Project to associate to the condition
  6. Click Save
  7. Then click Edit
  8. In the Rules tab, click Add Rule.

A condition is composed of different rules. For a condition to be satisfied, all the rules must be satisfied. You can create a rule by comparing:

  • A variable to a custom value
  • A variable to the result of a Qlik expression
  • A variable to another variable
  • Check if a chart has values or not
  • A KPI to a custom value
  • A KPI to the result of a Qlik expression
  • A KPI to a variable

Qalyptus Condition Rules

  1. Click Add
  2. Then click Save