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Install Qlik Sense certificates

To use Qalyptus with Qlik Sense, you must have the Qlik Sense certificates installed on the machine where Qalyptus is installed. there are two cases.

1- Qalyptus is installed on the same machine with the same user

If Qalyptus is installed on the same machine as Qlik Sense and with the same user (the user running the Qlik Sense and Qalyptus Server services), you should not install Qlik Sense certificates because the certificates are already installed.


Installing Qlik Sense certificates in this case will cause Qlik Sense to malfunction. To resolve this issue, follow the instructions in this article.

2- Qalyptus is installed on a separate machine from Qlik Sense or with another user

In this case the installation of Qlik Sense certificates is mandatory so that Qalyptus can communicate with Qlik Sense. Two main steps are necessary to install Qlik Sense certificates.

Export Qlik Sense certificates via QMC

Follow the steps below to export the certificates:

  1. Connect to the Qlik Sense QMC
  2. Select Certificates on the QMC start page
  3. The export certificate page is displayed
  4. Click on Add machine name to add a new box
  5. In the Machine name box, type the full name of the computer where Qalyptus is installed: or the IP address
  6. Leave the Certificate password and Retype password fields empty
  7. Check the Include secret key checkbox
  8. Click on Export certificates

When the export is complete, the following message appears: Certificates exported.

The certificates will be exported to a disk location and the path is displayed. In the folder, the following certificates are created: client.pfx, root.cer, server.pfx. If the export fails, the following message is displayed: Certificates export could not complete.

Install certificates via Qalyptus Server Configuration

To install Qlik Sense certificates with Qalyptus Server Configuration, follow the following steps:

  1. Connect to the machine where Qalyptus Server is installed with the user who runs the Qalyptus Server service
  2. In the start menu, search Qalyptus Server Configuration
  3. Click on Qalyptus Server Configuration and go to the Qlik Sense Certificates tab
  4. Specify the path to the previously exported files: client.pfx, server.pfx, root.cer
  5. Click the Install Certificates button
  6. If old certificates are already installed, a dialog box appears asking for confirmation to delete them and replace them with the new certificates
  7. After installation, a confirmation message is displayed

You can now use Qalyptus with Qlik Sense to generate your reports.